About Electric Arc

NFPA 70E - Electric Arc

Every movement of electric charges generates an electric field. In energized circuit activities, this accumulation of electrical charges occurs involuntarily and unexpectedly. When the intensity of the electric field exceeds the dielectric strength of the air, it ceases to be an insulator and becomes a conductor, thus facilitating the passage of electric current through it.

At that moment, an electric arc is produced, which releases a very high amount of energy in a short time - 10,000 °C in less than 1 second - which can cause serious damage to workers.

Contrary to what many people think, protection against electric arc is not only necessary in power plants and distributors. All workers who carry out activities with or near energized equipment must wear flame-retardant uniforms.

The entire Fire Santanense Line complies with Level 2 protection.

Risk classes

Conheça as classes de risco Classe de Risco: ATPV e HAF Em todo parque industrial…

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Atendemos todos os requisitos Todos os produtos da Linha Fire Santanense atendem ao nível 2…

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